


Grunge Tattoo Sydney

Step into the movement of grunge tattoo and immerse yourself into this unique and edgy style. At Thirteen Feet Tattoo, we bring the edgy and raw style of grunge tattoos right here in Sydney. Book an appointment with us today and let our talented artists bring your bold vision to life.


Our Grunge Tattoo Artists

Check out our talented team of artists who specialise in edgy grunge tattoos; they can design and ink the perfect grunge tattoo for you with their creativity and expertise, whether you're looking for something bold and graphic or subtle and atmospheric.



The Grunge Tattoo Style


Grunge is more than just a style – it's a cultural movement that emerged in the 90s, representing the voice of a rebel generation; that’s why dark grunge tattoos take inspiration from punk, rock, and alternative cultures.

Represented by its dark, edgy aesthetic and introspective themes, grunge tattoos often feature bold black lines, distorted imagery, and a worn-out look. It symbolises resistance, embracing darkness, and finding beauty in imperfection.


Key Elements Of This Style

Bold Lines: Grunge tattoos typically feature thick, bold lines that give the design a rough and rugged appearance.

Distressed Textures: Distressed textures such as splatters, scratches, and smudges are common in grunge tattoos, adding to their gritty charm.  

Dark Themes: Dark and moody themes like skulls, roses, and surreal imagery are prevalent in grunge tattoos, reflecting the rebellious spirit of the style.

Versatility: Grunge tattoos can range from simple, minimalist designs to intricate and detailed artwork, depending on the individual's preferences.

Heavy use of Black: Black ink is commonly used in grunge tattoos; however, some designs incorporate colour to add depth and contrast.


Grunge Tattoo Ideas

Looking for inspiration? Here are some popular grunge tattoo ideas to consider:

  • Quotes: Integrate meaningful or provocative quotes into your tattoo design to add depth and personal meaning.
  • Grunge Band Logos: Show your love for your favourite grunge bands with a tattoo featuring their iconic logos or album artwork.
  • Music Details: Incorporate musical elements like guitars, cassette tapes, or other iconic symbols from the grunge era.
  • Flowers: Add a touch of contrast to your tattoo with delicate floral elements against the darker aesthetic.
  • Objects: Turn everyday objects into works of art with a unique black and grey tattoo, showcasing your personality and interests.
  • Pop Culture Symbols and Celebrities: Pay homage to the grunge era with tattoos featuring iconic symbols, celebrities or references from the 90s.
  • Symbols: Embrace the darker side of grunge with tattoos featuring edgy symbols and imagery like spines, skulls, knives, hearts, spiders, aliens, scorpions and more.
  • Surrealist Elements: Explore surreal imagery to create intriguing and original designs.

Popular Placements for Grunge Tattoos

Where should you get your grunge tattoo? Here are some popular placements to consider:


Choose a grunge arm tattoo for maximum visibility and impact.



Opt for a grunge tattoo on your legs for a bold and striking look.



Make a statement with a grunge back tattoo, showcasing the intricate details of the style.



Make a statement with a grunge tattoo on your chest, expressing your style.



Display a grunge hand tattoo where it can be easily seen


How to Book an Appointment